Privacy policy

Please read this privacy policy carefully. In it you will find important information about the processing of your personal data, the rights recognized by current regulations on the matter and the obligations that correspond to you.

We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time due to internal decisions, as well as to comply with possible legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have questions or need any clarification regarding our Privacy Policy or your rights, you can contact us through the channels indicated below.

You declare that the data you provide us, now or in the future, are correct and truthful and you agree to inform us of any changes thereto. In the event of providing personal data of third parties, you undertake to obtain the prior consent of those affected and inform them about the content of this policy.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

The person responsible for processing your data is:


Address: C/ Vicente Tofiño, 36 Palma 07007, Illes Balears

Telephone: (+34) 971 62 80 89

Fax: (+34) 971 49 16 51


You can contact our Data Protection Officer at:

What personal information do we obtain?

The data we process is that obtained:

- Of the forms that you complete and the requests you make;

- Of the information generated to respond to your requests and the development of procedures that affect you;

- Of the access control and video surveillance systems of the facilities;

- Analytics obtained from user navigation of our Websites.

All this data is provided directly by you or by third parties that process requests on your behalf.

The specification of the data categories in relation to the treatments carried out can be consulted in the record of processing activities accessible from the Transparency?/Information of Legal Relevance/Data Protection/“Inventory of processing activities” section.

Why will we process your data and on what legal basis?

The personal data collected will be processed for the specific purposes provided for each processing activity defined by PORTS DE LES ILLES BALEARS. The complete list of activities and the legal bases applicable to each of them can be consulted in the Transparency?/Information of Legal Relevance/Data Protection/“Inventory of processing activities” section.

How long will we keep your data?

In general, we keep your data for the periods provided for in the applicable legal provisions and for the time necessary to address possible responsibilities arising from the processing. We will cancel your data when it is no longer necessary or relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.

Documents of any period and type, produced, received or preserved by PORTS DE LES ILLES BALEARS in the exercise of its function, form part of the documentary heritage of the Balearic Islands.

Once these data are no longer useful for the purposes that motivated their collection, they will be placed in a historical state and will be preserved, and if appropriate, destroyed, in accordance with the evaluation regulations and the criteria provided for by Laws 12/1998, on Heritage. Historical of the Balearic Islands and 15/2006 of October 17, from archives and documentary heritage of the Balearic Islands.

The specification of the conservation period applicable to the data for each treatment can be consulted in the record of processing activities accessible from the Transparency?/Information of Legal Relevance/Data Protection/“Inventory of processing activities” section.

Who can we communicate your data to?

In general, your data will only be communicated to third parties due to legal obligation or when the attention to your request requires it. This communication may include administrations, organizations or public authorities in accordance with Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations and the rest of the legal provisions that recognize interoperability between public administrations.

They may also be communicated to other public administrations, such as the National Institute of Statistics or regional statistical services, to prepare official statistics subject to statistical secrecy, in the terms provided for in Law 12/1989, of May 9, on the Public Statistical Function. and in Law 3/2002, of May 17, on Statistics of the Balearic Islands.

The specification of data communications in relation to the treatments carried out can be consulted in the record of processing activities accessible from the Transparency?/Information of Legal Relevance/Data Protection/“Inventory of processing activities” section.

What are your rights?

You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are processing your personal data and, if so, access it. You can also request that your data be rectified when it is inaccurate or that incomplete data be completed, as well as request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data. In such case, we will only process the affected data for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims or with a view to protecting the rights of other people.

Under certain conditions and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may also object to the processing of your data. In this case we will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons that prevail over your interests or rights and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.

Likewise and under certain conditions, you may request the portability of your data so that they are transmitted to another person responsible for the treatment.

You can revoke the consent you have given for certain purposes, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal, and file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

To exercise your rights, you must send us a request accompanied by a copy of your national identity document or other valid document that identifies you by postal mail or email to the addresses indicated in the section Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

You can obtain more information about your rights and how to exercise them on the page of the Spanish Data Protection Agency at